
Using command line commands

This feature is useful for the batch processing of numerous projects or for script-based automation. The command line mode allows exporting .GUI projects into the HTML, CHM, PDF or DOCX format without displaying application windows.
To be able to use the command line commands, you need to use the special executable: <Program Files>\Dr.Explain\tools\deexport.exe
Command line syntax is:
HTML export:
deexport.exe filename.gui /sh [output folder]
CHM  export:
deexport.exe filename.gui /sc [file.chm] [temp folder]
DOCX  export:
deexport.exe filename.gui /sd [file.docx]
PDF  export:
deexport.exe filename.gui /sp [file.pdf]
In case of errors or warnings the messages are written in the console.
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