
CHM export settings

In this dialog window, you can configure the options for the CHM file that you want to generate from your project. CHM export settings do not differ much from those in HTML export settings.
To access the dialog, please use one of the ways described bellow:
  • click the button to display the project settings;
  • go to the Options menu and select Project settings menu option;
    Then click CHM export in the appeared dialog.
The following dialog window will appear:
CHM export settings


1. Language
Use this drop-down list to set the language for the CHM output file.

Default topic

2. Default topic
In this field you can set the default topic that will be displayed when the user opens the CHM file. Click the Browse button to select the topic from the existing TOC.

Image subfolder

3. Image subfolder
Use this field to specify the subfolder for image files.
Example: If your HTML files will be placed in /help/ folder and you want to keep all image files in /help/img folder then specify img in this field.

Work folder

4. Work folder
Use this field to specify the folder that Dr.Explain must use as a temporary location for intermediate HTML and picture files.

Keep temporary files

5. Keep temporary files
Check this option to keep temporary files in work folder after CHM compilation.

Optimize the image file size

6. Optimize the image file size
Check this option to enable better compression of output images with possible almost invisible quality reduction.

Color theme

7. Color theme
Choose a predefined visual theme from this drop-down list that you want to apply for the output CHM file.
To create your own theme colors, click the button next to the selected color theme.

Custom CSS

8. Custom CSS
You can apply custom CSS code to your page design by editing its appearance based on the selected existing color theme and changing fonts, colors, sizes, etc.

Page structure

9. Page structure
Use this section to configure the structure of the page. Turn on/off the contents tab, the keyword index tab and activate the full text search function.
If you select check box Always keep header and footer viewable it means that the height of the online manual will be automatically adjusted to fit to the height of the browser window. The header, footer and sidebars will be docked to the browser edges while the central content part will remain scrollable.
Select check box Pop-up tooltips over clickable areas to enable pop-up tooltips that will be displayed when the cursor points at the bullet on the screenshot picture. The tooltips may include the associated control description, so that the user doesn't have to scroll down the page to read it.

CHM window settings

10. CHM window settings
Use this section to configure settings for CHM windows:
  • select the Topmost window check box to make the CHM file display on top of all windows;
  • click the Customize button to edit the default size and position for the generated CHM file:


11. OKPress the button to accept all changes and close the dialog.


12. CancelPress the button to close the dialog and to discard the changes.


13. HelpPress the button to show the context help page.


14. ActionsPress this button to import settings from another project file or from HTML export settings.
The online help was made with Dr.Explain