Press releases

Dennis Crane
Chief Executive Officer

Dr.Explain 3.0: Trim Software Development Time by Automating Help File Creation

Indigo Byte Systems has released Dr.Explain v. 3.0, a unique Windows tool that lets software developers dramatically reduce the time needed to produce help files. By analyzing the structure of a program's graphical user interface (GUI), Dr.Explain will automatically generate the necessary help topics for the program's CHM files, HTML help, online manuals, and printable documentation. With version 3.0, web site developers can benefit from the same technology, and automatically generate professional documentation for their web site, portal, or web application.

Before Dr.Explain, software developers spent days editing screenshots and formatting text for their documentation files. Dr.Explain captures screens from a live application, analyzes them, and creates stunning screenshots that make it easy for users to understand how the application works. Each screenshot contains numbered references to all Windows buttons, edit fields, options, menus, radio buttons, dropdown lists, toolbars, trees, and other controls. Dr.Explain also creates a numbered paragraph for each of these numbered controls. Simply add text to each numbered paragraph, and the program produces everything needed for professional help files in CHM or HTML format, as well as RTF documentation files that can be printed or loaded online.

Dr.Explain continues to save time and money throughout the software's life cycle. When a new version of a program results in changes to its Windows screens, simply replace the screenshot and add new control references. Dr.Explain keeps all documentation in a single project file, and makes it easy to make modifications. By creating custom documentation templates, you can fully customize your help files and other documentation. Dr.Explain gives you control over the appearance of the visual elements, the structure of the menus, and the page layout.

In version 3.0, Dr.Explain applies its unique technology to web sites, too. Dr.Explain can view a web page as it appears in Internet Explorer, even if the page requires scrolling to fit onto a normal computer screen. The program recognizes each of the web page's elements, including Flash applications, query strings, images, search boxes, search buttons, and login forms. It associates each design element with a numbered box, and generates corresponding numbered paragraphs to explain each of these design elements. Simply add text, and the resulting images provide web site visitors with useful documentation that will explain how to get the most out of your web site.

The new text editor in version 3.0 lets you insert images, tables, lists, predefined variables, and macros. The new capturing engine makes it easy to grab entire web pages, web interfaces, Flash, individual buttons in toolbars, and undocked windows and toolbars. You can even automatically capture sub-windows.

Dr.Explain takes the pain out of creating documentation. By automating the process, the creation of manuals, user guides, and help files becomes an enjoyable part of developing software or creating web sites. The savings in time and tedium on a single development project will pay for the software many times over.

Dr.Explain v. 3.0 runs under Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista. It processes the applications made with all major Windows and web development environments, including Visual Studio C/C++/C#/.NET/MFC/WTL/WinForms, Visual BASIC, Delphi, and Clarion. Dr.Explain costs $125(US) for a single-user Regular License. The single-user Advanced License costs $165(US), and includes validation and compacting tools, command line support, menu auto-capturing, print versions of HTML pages, and pop-up tooltips on screenshots. Multi-user discounts are available. You can download a free trial version from the company's web site -

For more information, contact Indigo Byte Systems.

Email: info-at-drexplain-dot-com


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Evaluation Copy Available on Request

About Indigo Byte Systems:

Since 2003, Indigo Byte Systems has been providing Windows and PDA tools to software developers, as well as business and home computer users. In addition to Dr.Explain, the company also offers UTS Desktop Companion software, a handy data tracking application for Windows desktop or Palm OS PDA devices. Indigo Byte Systems also offers custom software design and development services to corporate and individual clients, worldwide.