
Publishing RTF file

RTF (Rich Text Format) file is good for printing documentation, while it may look slightly different in various document readers on different operating systems, specifically graphics and embedded objects. These formats may be less convenient for complex documents with multiple pages and objects because of the significant amount of computer memory that is consumed to display them. If you open the exported RTF file in Microsoft Word and save it in Microsoft Word format (.docx), the resulting file might be less in size than the original RTF one.
There are several ways to publish your help project to RTF:
  • click on the application toolbar;
  • go to the Options menu and click the Export to RTF menu option;
  • use the Alt+Shift+R keyboard shortcut.
The following dialog window will appear:
Publishing RTF file

Open RTF file

1. Open RTF file
Check this option to automatically open the generated RTF file.

Silently overwrite


2. Silently overwrite
This check box does not appear until you publish your first RTF file.
Check this option to skip the Save As dialog next time you generate your RTF file.

Progress bar

This bar shows the progress of the publishing process.

More  options

4. More  optionsClick this button to display the RTF export settings dialog where you can configure the options for the output files.

Start export

5. Start exportPress this button to start the publishing process.


6. ClosePress this button to close the Export to RTF file dialog.
Upon completion of the publishing process, Dr.Explain will open the generated RTF file (if you didn't clear the corresponding check box):
The online help was made with Dr.Explain